Monday, March 30, 2009

I is for IVF

IVF - is where it looks like we are heading.  We had such high hopes this time..but this wasn't the one.  We will have our day :)


EmmaJilly said...

Sending positive vibes to the both of you x

Suz said...

Awww... sorry this last one didn't work out!! I was keeping my fingers crossed for 'ya! Good luck with the IVF! I don't know where you go to the doctor now, but I've heard good things about the REACH center near CMC. They have a program called "Attain IVF refund program" that sounds like it might make things more affordable...or at least that's how it looks on their Brandie and I are going to start trying IUI's in a year or so, so I'll have to take you to lunch and get all of your expert advice! Hugs to you and Janine -- we should all hang out sometime soon! We love kids, so even if you wanted to bring the boys that would be great! :)

Anonymous said...
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Michelle said...

Yes, you are right. You will have your baby one day and this will make sense to you. I promise.